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Root Vegetable Beets Carrots Rustic - Jena Carlin Photography - Little Rusted Ladle_WEB

Do you dream of getting your food photography business off the ground, but those nagging voices in the back of your mind keep saying things like…


“I’m not sure I have what it takes to run my own business.”


“My photos look amateur compared to others in the food photography industry.”


“I still have so much to learn and I’m not sure where to start.”




If only you had a roadmap from someone who’d been in your shoes to help you get started…but does that even exist?




Well, my friend, it does now!


I’m so excited to introduce you to Inspiration to Portfolio,

 the course that will walk you through the basics of starting your own food photography business.




Inside this self-paced course, you’ll get the essential tools you need to launch your business, like:



📷Where to find your first clients and begin building momentum in your business


📷How to create dynamic photos that will set you apart as a food photographer


📷 All things lighting, my secret recipe to creating expert level photos


📷 Camera settings 101,  so that you’ll be comfortable and in control of your camera


📷 Lens education so you’ll know which lens to choose and why it’s important


📷 Mindset shifts that will empower you to do what you love, make money, and be creative


📷 ALL the vocab you’ll need in the food photography world so you’ll feel confident as you talk to dream clients

Coming Soon!